domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

P4 BLOG 2 2BACH: Jan. 6th.-12th. (2), 2020. Dialog: The City and the Country

Resultado de imagen para images of motivational, phrases, thoughts, quotes, etc. for young teenagers
P4 BLOG 2 2BACH: Jan. 6th.-12th. (2), 2020. Dialog:  The City and the Country. Good morning students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: Dialog: The City and the Country.  LANGUAGE SKILL: Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the dialog. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To lean and practice dialogs in English by heart. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish. Choose the right word to complete the dialog.
Resultado de imagen para images of the city and the countryCONVERSATION: The City and the Country
USE: give / interesting / city / dangerous /country / However / good / cost / living / moving / healthier / exciting / married / countryside / boring / 
David: How do you like living in the big c____________?
Maria: There are many things that are better than living in the country!
David: Can you g___________me some examples?
Maria: Well, it certainly is more i___________than the country. There is so much more to do and see!
David: Yes, but the city is more d___________ than the country.
Maria: That's true. People in the city aren't as open and friendly as those in the c___________
David: I'm sure that the c___________ is more relaxed, too!
Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. H___________, the country is much slower than the city.
David: I think that's a g___________thing!
Maria: Oh, I don't. The country is so slow and b___________! It's much more boring than the city.
David: How about the c___________of living? Is the country cheaper than the city?
Maria: Oh, yes. The city is more e___________ than the country.
David: Life in the country is also much h___________than in the city.
Maria: Yes, it's cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more e___________ It's faster, crazier and more fun than the country.
David: I think YOU are crazy for m___________to the city.
Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm m___________ and have children I'll move back to the country.

New Words and expressions
New Words and expressions
Your name: _______________
Your grade/level: ___________
Your School: ____________
Date: _________________

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