jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

P3: BLOG 6 2BACH. Dec. 9th. -15th.(2), 2019. Idioms Part 5.

P3: BLOG 6 2BACH. Dec. 9th. -15th.(2), 2019. Idioms Part 5.

Resultado de imagen para IMAGES OF motivational phrases for TEENAGERS
Your name:_________________
Your level: _________________
Your school's name: _________
Date: ______________________
Idioms Part 5.  B1.1 GOOD MORNING BOYS AND GIRLS! WHAT A PLEASURE TO FIND INTERESTING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH YOU. LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, speaking, grammar structure, writing and CLIL. TOPIC: Idioms part 5: AIMS: To improve their speaking skillTo check and find specific information.  To learn more vocabulary and expressions dealing with dialogs and conversationsTo study English in a funny and interesting way.  SKILLS WITH DEVELOPING CRITERIA: Check the wordsearch and find the idioms you have written on the list. Write their meaning and do the exercise applying them in a correct way. 
 Exercise 1: Check these idioms and add their meaning in your own language.
To look forward to=
Travel on a shoestring=
To catch some rays=
To live like a king=
To travel light=
Exercise 2:  Read and choose the corresponding meaning.
 1.- After graduating from high school my parents gave me a one-month trip to Europe. So, I must travel light!
a. To travel light means… 1. to travel alone. 2. to get slim before traveling. 3. to travel with little luggage.
 2.- Oh, I’m terribly pale! I’m going to the beach to catch some rays
b. To catch some rays means… 1. to avoid the sun.  2. to play on the beach.  3. to get a suntan.
I have lived like a king during my fourweek holiday. I stayed at an expensive hotel and spent a fortune, but it was worth it.
c. To live like a king means… 1. to live in a palace.   2. to travel a lot.   3. to live luxuriously.

Exercise 3: Complete the conversation with the expressions in bold from the previous exercise. 
Brian: You have chosen your holiday destination, haven’t you? 
Carla:  Yes, I have. I’m going to Cancun to ___________________________  (a)! 
Brian:  That’s great! But please, don’t travel with lots of luggage! 
Carla:  Yeah, I’ll never take lots of luggage with me again. I’ve learned to ___________________________  (b). 
Brian: I guess you will ___________________________  (c) staying at expensive hotels. 
Carla:  No, I won’t. It’s incredible how well you can travel on a shoestring budget avoiding expensive hotels and restaurants. 
Brian: Are you kidding me? That’s real change

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