P3 BLOG 2: 2BACH. : Nov. 30th-Dec. 4th. (2), 2020.
Good evening boys and girls. It's a pleasure to greet you and invite you to work with more English online material. TOPIC: Reviewing basic structures: Use of adjectives: Use of adjectives LANGUAGE SKILL: Reading, writing, grammar structure and CLIL. AIMS: To reinforce basic structures. To increase new vocabulary and expressions related to the topic. To read and understand the main ideas and details of all the sentences. Use and apply the taught structure in a correct way. To follow the instructions and do the exercises. SKILL WITH PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: Choose the best adjective to describe the situation in each sentence.USE: surprising tired boring disgusting terrified interesting 1. Carol thought she saw a ghost. Her hands were shaking. 2. The documentary last night was great. I learned so much about African animals! 3. John fell asleep at the back of the class. His teacher's voice was dull and made John very tired. 4. It's a miracle. I expected to lose my job today but they gave me a promotion! 5. The cat opened one eye and then fell asleep again under the table. 6. Lindsay took the pizza out of the fridge. It was old and the cheese on top was green!
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