viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

P5 BLOG 5 2BACH. Mar. 2nd.-8th(1) 2020. Reading: A Survey.

93 Positivity Quotes to Keep You Motivated During Challenges ...P5 BLOG 5 2BACH. Mar. 2nd.-8th(1) 2020. Reinforcement material. Reading: A SurveyDear students! PLEASE CHECK IT AND WORK IT BY YOURSELF. TOPIC: Reading: A SurveyLANGUAGE SKILL:  Grammar structure and Writing. AIMS: At the end of this blog, students will be able to: To learn new vocabulary and expressions dealing with the content of the text. To increase your new terms as vocabulary and expressions. To study English through a funny and interesting way. SKILLS WITH DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA: Follow instructions and do the exercise. Make a list of new words and expressions. Add their meaning either in English or Spanish. Read the essay and circle the words that show contrast among ideas.
Read and answer the questions below.
The word survey is used to describe a method to collect or gather information from a group of people (a population sample) in order to learn about their opinions, attitudes, and personal information.
They are characterized by the standardized questions used to collect data, which means that every person responds to the same question. The size of the sample varies, and this depends on what it needs to be used for.
This means that while some findings are made public, others are kept as private.
Surveys are classified into three types: First, by their dimension, which refers to the size and type of the sample population (e.g. all the children in a country, students in public schools, political leaders, or consumers of a particular product or service). Second, they are classified by their method of data collection (e.g. telephone surveys, mail surveys, and interview surveys).
Third, they are classified by their content. While some surveys focus on opinions and attitudes towards an issue (like virtual communication or past traditions), others are related to factual characteristics, behaviors, memories and so forth (e.g. study habits, eating habits, traditions).
Finally, to show the results of a survey in a visual way, we can use a pie graph or a bar chart. While a pie graph is a circle divided into segments or slices to represent a proportion of the data, a bar chart is a chart with rectangular bars that show the frequency of the results.
To interpret the information in a graph, we should identify the purpose of the graph, recognize its variables and see the relation between labels, colors and numbers by looking at its title.
Answer these questions according to the text.
a. What is a survey?

b. What characterizes a survey?

c. What are the different types of surveys?

New Words and Expressions

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